MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Changes for the Better
MELSERVO-J4 servos are devices that provide high performance, safety and energy saving. In addition, they offer: Precision and accuracy ensured by fast and precise movement Safety of use - thanks to safety features such as a collision detection system and automatic stopping when irregularities are detected, Environment friendly, as it saves energy.
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Safe, user-friendly and energy-efficient

The MELSERVO MR-J4 series of servo amplifiers and the associated positioning units, simple motion modules and high-end motion control systems from Mitsubishi Electric enable machine builders and end customers to increase production safety and improve productivity.

The MR-J4 amplifier series has been developed for the automation requirements of tomorrow. Mitsubishi Electric has incorporated numerous innovative and user-friendly functions to minimise the time-consuming and elaborate matching of mechanical and electronic systems.

The absolute encoder which is fitted as standard has a resolution of 22 bits. This corresponds to more than 4 million pulses/revolution. The result is excellent true-running characteristics and a maximum positioning accuracy and processing speed which more than satisfy the performance requirements of modern high-end machines.


  • Single, dual and triple-axis amplifiers for improved economy, energy efficiency and cabinet space
  • Operation of rotary motors, linear motors and direct drive motors with a single unit
  • Safety at all times – STO (Safe Torque Off) and SS1 (Safe Stop 1) in accordance with EN 61800-5-2. SS2/SOS/SLS/SBC and SSM options available
  • MR-J4-TM with Multi Network interface (EtherCAT, Profinet, Ethernet/IP) for open connectivity with third party motion systems

Flexible motor selection

Another highlight of functionality and flexibility is the possibility of connecting different motors to the MR-J4 amplifier. The servo amplifier can be conveniently and easily used with rotary motors, linear motors and also direct drive motors.

User-friendly software

The MR Configurator2 programming tool allows convenient commissioning and diagnostics. Calibration, monitoring, diagnostics, reading and writing of parameters and test operation can be carried out easily on a standard PC. MR Configurator2 ensures a stable machine system, optimum control and short set-up times.

Product List

A 2/3-axis servo amplifier that is compatible with SSCNETⅢ/H and compliant with safety standards. Equipped with a general-purpose (pulse and analog input) interface.
HG-Series high performance motors are offered in 200/400VAC up to 22kW. Different motor series are available with varied inertia and capacity ranges to meet a wide range of application needs.